Wall Art Collections for Wedding and Portrait Photography

The Elegance of Finely Crafted Wall Art

Transforming Your Space Into An Art Gallery Of Precious Memories

Why Choose Wall Art and Why it Matters

In today’s digital age, we are overwhelmed by images on the internet. Whether its social media or any other form of medium, we rarely get to enjoy and experience our love ones. Special moments are meant to be seen and they belong in prints. We are firm believers that memories belong on the walls of our homes. A sanctuary, a place of love and happiness. A place where we get to appreciate a collection of memories that impact our lives.

Wall Art Collections

A collection of images that tells a story of a special time in your life. Whether its a single photograph or a collage of creatively placed images, the artwork will leave an impact on the viewer. There are a vast number of combinations and these are a few of our favorite arrangements. We’d love to to help you explore the possibilities and design a the vision you have for your home or place of work.

1.  An exhibit of various size Prints – “Collection 1”

A combination of images that tells a story. The largest print is the anchor to the set, and the remaining two prints complement the storyline. A memorable event that is heartfelt and joyful. It enhances the visual impact with color and softness.

Size 1 – (1) 30×40 and (2) 15×19.5

Size 2 – (1) 33×33 and (4) 16 x 16

Size 3 – (1) 33×33 and (2) 19.5×19.5

2.  A breathtaking decor for your wall – “Collection 2”

A single large print can be displayed as a beautiful piece of artwork. An impactful environmental and creative work of art that will resonate with the viewer. 

Wall Art Acrylic designed by Ambar Moreno Photography. A portrait of a bride and groom wedding at The Merion. Luxury on display.

A Piece of Art Crafted for pure beauty from every angle.

A professional and authentic piece of artwork with attention to detail like no other artwork you have seen. Transform our photographs, but most of all your memories into an everlasting decoration for everyone to view and enjoy. Wall Art that is accurate and easy to hang. The gallery experience with a choice of Acrylic, Metal, Canvas or an Amalfi print.

Size 1 – 40×30

Size 2 – 30×20

Size 3 – 24×16